Figure 4.2 - Steer your users any way you choose!

Plate 404 - Halftime pep talk and strategy adjustment, junior college coaching days.

You have no doubt reached this chapter by mistake, but fret not. Make the most of the opportunity and ponder this minor conundrum: On the one hand, you are most certainly looking at an Error 404 Page Not Found message. On the other, you are reading a page within my Field Guide to Web Applications. How can this page not be found when it is unquestionably right here in front of you, simultaneously arguing for yet vehemently denying its very existence?

Ruminate if you will, then please use the tab at left to return to the Table of Contents or at right to Search for more pertinent and less perplexing information.

Figure 404 - It really is the loneliest number.

Figure 404 - It really is the loneliest number.